who we are

Rose-Press family here. We are a sweet little nuclear unit of acoustic music traveling prowess. We consist of:

  • Papa ~ Andrew Pressman, originally from Carmel Valley, CA on bass, management, phone calls, meat cooking, van packing, lettuce-free, solid as a rock solutions.
  • Mama ~ Raina Rose, originally from Portland, OR on vox guitar & songwriting, social media-ing, gluten-free, sweet potato & kale cooking, joyous minimalist.
  • Baby ~ Emmett Rose Pressman born in Austin, TX in November of 2011, on giggles, yogurt, stumbly mumbly, road tested, good attituded tiny monster.
  • Pup ~ Hopi, found in Arizona, a deserted desert mutt turned glorious folk hound.

We are independent musicians living in Austin, TX the Live Music Capital of the World.  Emmett has proven to be an able traveler. As of the end of 2012 he’s been to over 68 gigs, 7 music festivals, 3 recording sessions, 2 conferences, 18 states and 2 Canadian provinces.

This is the ongoing story of our lives together on the road, attempting to stay healthy & loving while making great music and running after the New American Dream.


3 thoughts on “who we are

  1. Hey fellow musician just read your open letter to Miley,Sinead and Amanda. I loved it well said. I agree with every word of it. I also believe that Miley is really pushing the promotion thing a little too far!! But it is working for her and it doesn’t seem to be doing Sinead any harm either.
    I hope the letter you wrote will help push your career further all the best from Ireland, keep it real always!!

  2. This is Kat Rose from Kerrville Folk Festival (KerrLeader for the Songwriting Schools). Loved your letter. It is going viral in the virtual world Facebook pages. I have been sharing your letter and others are passing it along as well. Great insight from all three of you songwriter musicians. You have joined some great company on the Open Letter circuit now! Proud of ya. Keep trucking. You Rock! 🙂

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