4 days in Toronto

We bundled up the family and took a cab to the airport at 4:45 am on wednesday. Hardly even the morning if you ask me. After a lovely stop in Newark, we landed in Toronto where it was literally 55 degrees colder than sunny Austin, TX. It was all of our first time in Ontario.

The International Folk Alliance is an annual gathering of some of the most hungry, hard working, talented unknown folksingers/folk musicians in the world along with agents, managers, venue owners, house concert hosts and appreciators. Everyone holes up in a fancier-than-normal hotel and goes at it for 4 days and nights. In my younger years i’d have drunk my fill of Irish whisky and stayed up the entire time, singing songs with my folk brethren. This is the second year i’ve attended this shindig as a mommy and my brain is woefully divided, however still happily appeased.

Andrew hosted a showcase room with the imitable Steve Poltz (co-writer of Jewel’s hit “You Were Meant For Me” as well as the guy in the video, he is Oh so much more!) and we brought along Andrew’s parents to help with Emmett. Emmett was a champ and only had a hard time at night when i would nurse him to sleep at a reasonable hour, then wake up and be unsatisfied with anyone, except Thomas the Train until i showed up again, often very late. It’s still very hard for me to leave the baby for more than a few hours. He’s a phantom limb that tingles wildly in my brain. I think i said “I’ve got to go find my baby” more than “our new album Caldera comes out this year and i think it’s pretty good”.

Maybe i could have schmoozed more, maybe i could have played more songs, maybe i could have tried to accomplish the many career goals that are a scant half inch above my head; major festival bookings, enormous booking agent, fancy pants manager guy, famous colleagues… but the truth is, i heard just enough songs by some of my most favorite folk friends, i played my heart out every time i picked up the guitar, and i met some amazing people. i did the best i could do and i feel ever more re-connected to this crazy job. thank goodness there are all these glorious glowing people out there doing it as well.


i heart Nels Andrews! he wrote this gorgeous lovesong called Wisteria and sang it at our wedding


3 Penny Acre playing their official showcase


Canadian legend Corin Raymond sweating music



The Sea, The Sea slaying with gorgeousness


us at our official showcase! photo by Anna Vogelzang


my delicious bestie Rebecca Loebe. photo by Mary Granata


i heart the Birds of Chicago


Aj Roach & Nuala Kennedy. (hey you guys, move to texas!!)


mellow afternoon set with Rebecca Loebe and Andrew


thumbs up from Andrew, Matt The Electrician & Joey Ryan of the Milk Carton Kids


Dar Williams. such a great show!


lastly, Andrew & Steve Poltz rocking so hard they were blurry



12 thoughts on “4 days in Toronto

  1. l
    Some awesome pictures.
    Did everyone have as good a time at FA as it looked like they did.
    You doing SXSW and if so, got a schedule posted yet?

  2. Beautiful. Perfect description of what it is like to be a mother in the industry. Kids, they are the new rock n roll! I love how we are growing with them. I missed being there with everyone this year but my feet are grateful that I stayed put (as if there was any other option).

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