Langlois, Oregon

Papa here,

I’ve been on the road, playing bass with Nicki Bluhm & The Gramblers. I left Emmett and Raina on January 30 and flew to San Francisco. I rehearsed 1.5 times and played my first gig the following night in Sacramento, where I used to live.

It went so well. The venue was packed. I spent a lot of time learning the material. It paid off. I was way comfortable at the first gig. I had a lot of fun.

We’ve done 9 gigs since then. We drove from SF to Vancouver. The shows have been great. The band is a lot of fun.

Our last gig is tonight, in Langlois, Oregon. We start in about an hour. I am currently sitting in the van outside the venue, which is an old barn.

We head to SF tomorrow. I fly home to Austin on Friday. I am so excited to see my baby boy and raina. It’s crazy. I haven’t been gone from either of them for this long since before Raina was even pregnant.

I’m sure Emmett is a totally different dude now. I’m sure he has better balance. His hair is longer. He is probably standing straighter and walking faster. Mind-blowing.

Friday afternoon can’t come quickly enough. This has been a great tour. But I am ready to get back to my lady and my tiny dude.

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